The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and the City of San Marcos partnered on the San Marcos Transportation Corridors Study to plan for future needs and improvements along three key roadways in the area. Completed in 2022, the City is using the recommendations from the study to implement various improvements. View the final report and recommendations.
The San Marcos Transportation Corridors Study evaluated Guadalupe Street (SH 123), Hopkins Street (SH 80), and a potential north/south thoroughfare east of IH 35 and proposed ideas for future development and transportation improvements. The final recommendations also include ideas for redevelopment at important centers such as the downtown area, the Medical Center, and the City Government complex.
San Marcos Corridors Study Report and Recommendations
San Marcos Corridors Study Report and Recommendations – Appendix B (Technical Memos and Resources)
San Marcos Transportation Corridors Study Map
City of San Marcos Contact:
Laurie Moyer CAMPO Contact:
Doise Miers