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2023-2026 TIP Amendments – Spring 2023

The Transportation Improvement Program, or TIP, covers a four-year time period and lists projects that have funding and will begin implementation in the TIP time frame. The TIP is updated every two years. The current TIP covers 2023-2026 and is periodically amended to reflect changes to project planning and development. Amendments may include adding or removing a project or changing the funding source, project length or limits, or the project description but do not reflect all of the projects included in the TIP. These amendments are presented biannually through an amendment cycle and must be approved by the CAMPO Transportation Policy Board (TPB).

Two in-person open house presentations will be held. April 3 from 4-7 pm and April 10 from 10:30 am-1:30 pm in Austin.

CAMPO’s TPB will hold a public hearing on April 10, 2023. The CAMPO TPB will take action on the proposed amendments during the May 8, 2023  TPB meeting.

For more information contact:

Doise Miers 737-226-4840