The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Bastrop, Burnet, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, and Williamson Counties. MPOs are federally required throughout the country in areas with a population of 50,000 or more and are required to produce a 20+ year transportation plan, called a Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), and a four-year planning document called the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
CAMPO is governed by a 20-member Transportation Policy Board, made up of 20 elected officials and a representative from TxDOT and one from Capital Metro. The Policy Board is the body that makes decisions on CAMPO policy and decides how CAMPO funding is allocated.
The 24-member Technical Advisory Committee, or TAC, is comprised of staff from local jurisdictions throughout the region. The TAC’s purpose is to provide technical expertise, and recommendations to inform the Policy Board in their decision-making processes.
CAMPO’s Executive Director, Ashby Johnson, reports to the board and oversees CAMPO staff. Staff conduct planning work and make recommendations to the TAC and Policy Board.
The Regional Transportation Plan, or RTP, is document is adopted by the CAMPO Board every five years and covers at least 20 years into the future. This plan is required to be multimodal, meaning it incorporates a variety of transportation modes. Not only roads and highways, but also transit, walking, and biking.
The Transportation Improvement Program, or TIP, covers a shorter span of four years. Projects listed in the TIP must be consistent with what is in the RTP. For a project to be in the TIP, it must have funding and be ready to begin construction in the four-year TIP time frame. The TIP is adopted every two years.